LATINSKO IDROAssociation for the promotion of the value of a wooden boat and traditional ways sailing
Prva regata s latinskim jedrom
Školska gajeta Kurnatarica
Kuća Latinskog idra
Najbrojnija ljetna škola jedrenja
Gajeta Kurnatarica

The fundamental idea of the Association is that maritime heritage and uniqueness can be maintained and extended in duration only by those who are yet to come. That is why, as a symbolic act of faith in new generations, it built a boat just for them – a 6.66 m long and 2.50 m wide new old-style gajeta Kurnatarica. It is powered by lateen sails and oars or, alternatively, an engine. The boat was built by Ljubomir Ante Fržop, a renowned shipbuilder from Betina. It was launched in June 2007 and has already sailed in numerous regattas, made educational voyages for children, participated in the largest festivals of the sea and maritime culture such as Venice, Brest, Morbihan, Sete, etc. The purpose of Kurnatarica is to educate children, train future shipbuilders and teach the younger generations how to maintain, equip and operate a boat.